What to Expect with the Level Method!


Yesterday we sent you an email introducing you to “What is The Level Method?” – If you missed that one, check out the blog post about it HERE!

Today, we’re going to talk about what to expect with it.

The Level Method uses a 3 step system: Assess, Address, Progress — rinse, repeat!

The first step is to ASSESS your current ability by going through our initial assessments. 

You will use the new Chalk It Pro app to see the CrossFit class workouts, log your results and keep track! We will still use Wodify for all other gym needs (reserving/signing into class, membership management, other programs, etc), but we will use this Chalk It app in order view our Group CrossFit class workouts, record our performances and keep track of our individual levels.  More information on this app to come in a later email.

*FYI… the MAP is not online anywhere, it’s printed and hanging up in front of our gym next to the TVs.*

Once you complete an assessment of a category, look at the corresponding color on the MAP and log the results in your Chalk It Pro app – then a coach will review and approve the result that you entered (so make sure you let a coach know any time you are planning on attempting an assessment within class or during open gym, etc). 📱


Then, with your new-found information, you’ll ADDRESS your weaknesses. 

You can simply keep training in class or on your own regularly like you currently do, then we will do our next round of assessments in January to see how you’ve improved OR you can set up a free goal session with one of our coaches and formulate a plan to specifically target your weak areas in a refined way so you Level up faster!…💥


If you are working on your weaknesses and following the version of the daily class programming that is prescribed by your levels you WILL improve, and you’ll level up when we re-assess! Trust the process!

Leveling up during assessments is a great time to celebrate your awesome achievements, ⭐️ and then get back to working on the next weakness areas. 

Keep up all the hard work!

Yours in Health,

Ryan & The Ohio Strength Team

PS: In our next email we’ll be covering the Level Method SECRET SAUCE — check out that post at THIS LINK

people working out in a group fitness class

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